Today we drove over to ITC Headquarters to see who was around.
A couple of dog trucks were in the
lot for their team's vet check and EKGs. Clint Warnke of Washington
and the Norwegian contingent were inside. Clint was heading over
to Zach Steer's area to get in a training run. Robert Sorlie told
Bill there was much more snow in Norway but he felt confident about
the race. Jason Barron passed through while we were there also.
Bootie Brigade members, Bob and Becky Griffith, were shopping for
souvenirs at HQ.
We headed over to Knik Lake to visit G.B. Jones next. He was busy
hooking up to a four-wheeler to give a ride to a young
the rain. The dogs were raring to go in spite of the weather but
I'd have to say it just plain looks weird to see sled dogs splashing
through puddles of water instead of kicking up snow as they run.
Idita-Support Group members June Price, Joyce Joyce, Bob and Pat
Ford, Rosemary, Brenda Sperry, Marlene
Daniels, Betty Walden and a few others joined the group as we all
had lunch at Knik Bar. June and Becky Griffith had lots of gifts
for G.B. including some really neat red, white and blue bandanas
for his team plus matching booties. One package was wrapped Alaskan
style in a large blue tarp, sealed with red and white duct tape.
Later the Griffiths, Bill and I headed up to Plettner Kennels to
see Bill's dogs. The dogs were SO happy to see him. Some were marooned
on top of their dog houses which were surrounded by moats of water!!
Fisher was overjoyed and hugged Bill and I over and over. Pony had
to be retrieved from a different section of the dog lot as he had
broken his collar. Pinky, Crystal, Comet, Mischief, Hazel, Priscilla,
Tonto, Smoke, and Popeye all tried to see who could get the most
petting and hugging. 
Before we left, Becky got to talk booties with Lynda who was mixing
up the evening feeding for the dogs. Bob and Becky joined us for
dinner at the Nobody's Inn and then for a brief shopping spree at
the local Fred Meyer store. And it was still raining.............